Life In Cape Town

Hello from the other side of the the world. It's October and our first weekish of outreach is already over. The second I set foot here I was filled with so much love for it, and even the little that I have begun to explore over the past eight days has completely won me over. Whether that be browsing the local PickNPay grocery, hiking the trail behind our house, riding the metro train into different cities, hanging my laundry on the line out on our patio, or shopping down at the waterfront, all of it makes my heart come alive.

Did I mention how amazing the coffee is here in Cape Town? Truth Coffee didn't disappoint.

All 15 of us on this team have fully embraced the idea of community and have committed to living together for the next 3 months...under the same roof...sharing the same living space...there are 15 of us. So of course there will be chaos but it's all apart of this beautiful thing we call "Life Together."
This week has mostly been a lot of "feeling out" and "sorting through" and "figuring out." Lots and lots of planning, scheduling, and logistics pertaining to our ministry opportunity; Figuring out what this missions outreach will look like and assigning everyone to their different ministries. 

Which leads me to my next point: I will be working in an orphanage in a township 3 days a week, then with 12-13 year old girls in another township as well. I'm partnering with the ministry Justice Acts and doing prostitution outreach once a week and working on the YWAM Muizenberg base in their sweet little coffee shop. The majority of these ministries require a certain amount of discreetness. Out of honor, respect, and even the safety of others, I will not be able to take and post as many pictures as I would like. It is my desire to include you all in as much of my life as I can but because of the reason previously stated, I will only be able to share bits and pieces. 

Prayers are always appreciated and that's the only way this thing will function properly so,
Prayer Requests:
1. Unity. Within our team and within the ministries and organizations we are working in.
2. Health. Making the transition from the tropical summer heat to this frosty winter/spring in CapeTown has played a toll on our health and we've already got a bug going around.
3. Safety. A lot of the ministry we are doing takes place in some "dangerous" parts of town, prone to theft and violence (as you would normally see in any other city back in the states). So protection and covering.
4. Signs and wonders. Non of this can be done on our own. I don't have enough power to lead someone to salvation, or heal someone's brokenness, or speak a word of knowledge over someone, but good thing Holy Spirit does! And it's the Holy Spirit living in each of us that that is made possible. So pray that He would go ahead of us and plow up the grounds of hearts, that they would be willing to hear and accept the good news that is Christ Jesus. 

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