Why I Chose Young Living

Hopefully you've had the chance to read my newest life update, if not pause real fast and give it a glance 
the rest of you can continue reading.

Natural Health and Wellness:
I made the decision to pursue a more holistic approach to the healing and overall wellness of my body (as covered in the last post). I started by chucking the junky, toxic products that were in my house, i.e. ALL of my bath and body works (ya'll don't even know the half of the GROSSNESS in those body lotions), perfumes, body washes, laundry detergent, toilet cleaner, etc.

{Check out the app Think Dirty to scan your products the way that I did.
Go on,
you know you're curious}

So now I needed to replace all of them...Oh but with what??? *pause for dramatic effect*

Essential Oils:
Okay, quick back story: 
Once upon a time, I was 11 years old, my mother began to use essential oils and incorporated them into our lives. They served as sleep support, and the occasional head ache but that was it...barely touching the surface. 
Fast Forward,
Now I was an "adult" 
*rolls eyes*
living on my own, buying my own groceries, paying for my own living expenses, and I realized that I had full control over what came into my house (making the switch to being "clean and green" much easier). I wanted essential oils again. 
So I began to seek them out.
I quickly learned that the world is a crazy place and that companies will label an oil as "100% pure" when in reality they TOTALLY aren't and are often filled with synthetic doo doo and fillers that are bad for you. 
Then I found the real deals.
I began purchasing my oils from a company that produces 100% pure (legit pure) therapeutic essential oils without a Multi level marketing format and it worked for me for about 2 months.
Why didn't it work you ask?

I wanted a complete lifestyle change and I knew that I couldn't do it buy purchasing a handful of oils that I had to google the benefits of in order to know how to use them. I needed help/support. I needed to see how other people were doing it.
Then I found Young Living.
{Side Note: I did very large chunks of research on this topic before making my decision to pursue Young Living and contemplated other brands/companies like doTerra Essential Oils. But ultimately, Young Living is the best in my opinion. They have been around the longest, have the largest selection of oils, the most thorough process of distillation and overall production of their oils and I felt and feel the most confident with them.}

Young Living Essential Oils:
I found a friend that had been using YL for over a year and she shared all the things with me. In the most open and honest way she shared how these oils and this company had impacted her and her family's life; I found that person that had successfully made it a lifestyle and I wanted to follow in suit. 
Then she showed me the TEAM!
The team she was on was absolutely incredible, Jesus loving, boss babes, stay-at-home mamas, full-time students, the list goes on; all living this natural, clean, healthy life out daily. The most exciting part was, there was room for me at the table!!!
I signed on with her and that team became my team and I now had access to ENDLESS resources, free classes, curriculum, community, and support systems all over the world, specifically for this group of women and men!
I learned that not every team was like this, and that sadly so many people sign up into teams that don't have the structure of ours; and once you sign up, the process to switch teams is extremely difficult and nearly impossible. 
And in the short amount of time that I have now been with Young Living I have seen so much improvement in so many different areas of my life. It truly has already completely changed so much for the better and I can't stop ranting and raving about it all.  
I've experienced better, deeper sleep, less stress and anxiety (no really, like the second I rub this stuff on my temples or pressure points its like BOOM instant zen), improvements in my skin (which I've been sharing in detail over social media), support with my digestion, relief from muscle tension, and I smell SOOOOOOO good.

Are you tired of being stressed out, anxious, fearful? Tired of being "tired" and sluggish all the time? Tired of poppin' Ibuprofen like it hot for every headache, muscle ache, or belly ache? Tired of using Victoria Secret's chemical cocktail as cologne?


How To Join In The Fun:
Buy a starter kit.

The same way there was room for me, there is room for you at the table. 
These little bottles are so much more than jars of oil, and they can support you in ways that you didn't know were possible. 

By purchasing a starter kit you automatically get access to all of the things I mentioned as well as 11 oils, a brand new diffuser, and your wholesale discount (to grow your collection), and I gain friends and comrades to run with and share the huge impact of health and wellness. 
 It's a win win all around.

How much moola we talking?
The starter kit retails for almost $300 
but YL offers it for $160

I know I know, $160 is up there but I reasoned it like this:
How much did Anna spend on toiletries and beauty products at Target in the last 6 months that were full of chemicals and junk that made a negative impact on my health and well being??? (The answer was way toooo much)
I am the epitome of the "starving college student" and if I can find a way to budget this I KNOW that you can too!
You find the time when it's right for you. 
Whenever you are ready to consciously make a lifestyle change, they'll still be here, waiting to make your life 100x greater!
Shoot me a message or email me with any questions and I'll happily walk you through the necessary steps to take. 

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