What I Learned In Hawaii: Over One Year Later

I've put this off long enough. It's time to talk about last summer. 
I thought I would take this opportunity to share some key things that learned from living in Hawaii as well as some things I learned about the Lord and about myself. I also though I would share some "never before seen" pics as well. 

Alright, so, July 7th 2016 I hoped on a plane and flew from the lovey midwest to an island in the middle of the Pacific. You can read all about that in my previous posts:

And several more

I learned very quickly as my plane was taking off that fear masks itself in many different ways. I felt completely put together, exited, hopeful, positive...UNTIL I SAW THE ISLAND. I realized I was surrounded by nothing but ocean and so so far from home. I didn't know a single soul, I had never flown that far alone before, and yet I was going anyway; no turning around at that point. 
I learned I could do it. 

I learned how to sleep in a room without Air Conditioning.

I learned that if you're walking in God's will for your life than all things will work out for your good, every freakin' time. 

I learned I'm not the strongest swimmer and should be careful when swimming in hectic waves or waterfalls (another story for another time).

I learned that sunscreen, coconut oil, and aloe vera are your best friends. 

I learned to fall in love with island life (this was just a given honestly). 

I learned to stop and watch the sunset because it's always worth it, EVERY TIME.

I learned that if the Lord asks you to do something, even something you never thought you could do, you should do it. 

I learned that time goes by to fast and that I should never complain about the season that the Lord has me in (CAN I GET AN AMEN)

I learned that when you surround yourself with likeminded people, you are way more likely to flourish and live up to your full potential.

I learned that God is actually extremely and wonderfully kind. 

I learned that I'm pretty without makeup on. 

I learned that there is a difference between missing a place or a person -and- wanting to be in a place or with a person. 

I learned that I could pass as a native Hawaiian island child.

I learned that no matter how strong someone's opinion of you might be (both negative and positive) your identity comes from God, the one that created you. 

I learned that to feel outrageously loved, you must learn to outrageously love others. 

I learned that if you pray for the Lord to give you patience, He will put you in very difficult situations where you must exercise it. #becarefulwhenprayingdangerousprayers

I learned that you can become best friends with someone in two weeks.

I learned that I'm an ugly crier. 

I learned that Lychee, Okinawan, and Lilikoi are the best things since sliced bread. 

I learned that lava really is that hot.

I learned that the stars from the top of a volcano can bring you to tears. 
(have a look for yourself)
(yes, that's hot lava reflecting from the bottom right corner)

I could keep going for days. 
Ultimately, all this to say, if you have an opportunity to do something for the Lord that is completely insane, crazy expensive, scary as crap, and as uncharted as a pirate ship in the night...do it. It will change your life forever. 

Fast forward a year and a few months (give or take), I still stare at these pictures in awe. I think to myself "I can't believe I lived there," "I can't believe that Jesus sent me there." 
I went there a nervous, immature 17 year old and left and confident, slightly less immature, 18 year old, daughter of Christ. 
I can't wait to go back. 

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