Touching Base (Four Weeks Till South Africa)

Okay, let's play a game of Catch Up real fast. Week 5 is kind of a blur. I celebrated my eighteenth birthday which I can honestly say, was such a beautiful day. I had a bunch of concerns about it; I was worried I wouldn't be celebrated or just disappointed but I was so so wrong. Though it was hard being away from friends and family, my new "framily" here made me feel so special and so incredibly loved. 

The day included my roommates decorating our common space with streamers and balloons along with ice cream cake in our classroom and Jesus talks over sushi. The weekend then included a spontaneous night trip up to Mauna Kea (a dormant volcano here on big island) followed by late night breakfast at Denny's. 

Moving onto this week, week 6. This week the topic was IDENTITY. Woo! We all know that this can be a real heavy topic and it was for all of us as well. I found it really funny that leading up to this week and during the week as well, several of us were battling direct attacks on our identity or issues related to it. I began to realize the power that comes with understanding who you are in Christ and how much the enemy hates that. When you know who you are and who's you are everything changes. It changes the way you see yourself, the way you see others, and the way you see the world. I learned that our identity is not ours to create or earn but it is God's to give. And we don't have to prove the fact we are worthy of what He has given us.

If I had to describe this week in one word  I would describe it as "Refreshing." Outside of lectures the Lord spent a bunch of time just affirming me and the woman of God I am becoming. On Friday we did a little bit of a symbolic exercise. We wrote down labels, lies, and masks we had believed about ourselves on a piece of paper and then literally nailed them to the cross (pictured below) as a sign of letting go. We then washed our hands clean in that first bowl and then anointed ourselves with oil in the second bowl. 

These things are just preparing us even more for our trip coming up. Our plane tickets are purchased. WE'RE GOING TO SOUTH AFRICA! A land where the people have been stripped of their identity and security in Christ Jesus. Once we understand we are loved, we can then go and share that love with the world. Boy am I excited. We leave exactly one month from today. Keep me and our team in your prayers. I am currently still in need of $2515 for my outreach but trust that Jesus will provide. If you feel moved to give, you can give directly through PayPal at
Mega love for you all. Thank you for partnering with me and following my story. 

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