November 18, 2020

Füm pipe

 Let's talk about this little wooden essential oil inhaler

it's easily my most used oily accessory and honestly my most favorite! 

How to use Füm: 

1: grab your pre-infused or blank "core"

*all of Füm's flavored cores are infused with Young Living essential oils*

2. Fray one end of your core

3. insert the non-frayed end into your Füm 

4. Inhale through your Füm and our through your nose

Read more about Füm here

It's so easy to travel with and I love that I can get the benefits of using my oils 

aromatically on the go! 

How I use my Füm: 

+ during my work day to stay focused and alert

+ during a hike or park walk

+ before and after my yoga class

+ after eating a large meal 

+when I'm feeling anxious or stressed

+ during a road trip or flight 

A few of my favorite blends to Füm:


 +Bergamot, Orange, and Lemon

+Lavender and Vanilla

+Peppermint and Vanilla

+Orange and Grapefruit

+Bergamot, Grapefruit, Cedarwood

How to get your own Füm: 

1. go to the Füm website

2. Use my code 'BOCO10' at check out for 10% off your entire order

3. stalk your mailman for the happiest happy mail of all! 

November 2, 2020

Itovi Scanner: best wellness tool

 This little scanner has become one of my favorite tools to support on my wellness journey.

It's so easy to use and so helpful when it comes to creating a wellness regimen. 

How it works:

"The iTOVi Scanner combines galvanic skin response (GSR) electrodes, a pressure sensor, temperature readings, and Bluetooth technology to measure small changes in the electrical conductivity of the skin."

Put simply, by holding the scanner in your hand the scanner will send + and - pulses throughout your body and it will generate a collection of recommended products to add to your wellness regimen. 

Its perfect for personal use and for your family, but also a great tool to have for your business! 

"The product frequencies that correspond to the greatest changes in skin conductivity are considered to be the most important. Once the iTOVi scan is complete, a report will show you the results of your scan in the iTOVi app. The scan results are listed in priority, based on the product frequencies that prompted the strongest changes in skin conductivity."

Every report is permanently saved under the client name in the app. You can also choose to email or text the report to the client through the iTOVi app, giving you a convenient way to share the scan results, save client information, and plan your follow-up with them!

How to go about purchasing an Itovi of your own:

Go to:

Use my referral number: 137429

there are two plans to choose from: 

Lifetime or Basic plan

Here's a special coupon code for you! (valid 11/2-11/10)


$39.99 off Basic

$80 off Lifetime

Happy Scanning! 

September 16, 2020

Get Started


I am so excited for you to get started with Young Living and join our community! 
The best way to begin your Low-tox living journey is with one of the Starter kits/bundles! Not only do you get the most for your money, but also a collection of the most popular and staple oils and products to put together your wellness arsenal and incorporate them into your daily routine! 

When you snag your kit you automatically become a Young Living "member" (just like Sam's Club or Costco) you receive 24% off all future purchases forever and ever with no annual membership fees!
Young Living offers hundreds and hundreds of non-toxic products including: cleaning products, face wash, shampoo, their all new makeup line, laundry detergent, an entire baby line and kids line, supplements, and loads of other incredible things to help aid our health and wholeness! 
I don't go a day without using my oils and my YL products! 
Not only do you have access to all this goodness, you also gain access to our plethora of resources available, provided by me + my team! 
You have a place here and I want to help make a nontoxic lifestyle affordable and budget friendly for all of my people!

Let's Do This:

Step ONE:  click this LINK to enroll 
(be sure to do this through mozilla, firefox, or chrome as we are in the middle of a website update and internet explorer can glitch sometimes)

Step TWO:  choose your kit. 
There are so many great kit options, my top three favroties: 
1. The Premium Starter Kit
2. Welcome Home Kit
3. Thieves Starter Kit

Step THREE: 

scroll to the Essential Rewards question. click "yes" to have your kit count as your first month so that you qualify for my welcome package, $10 back, and  free shipping! You will then have to put together an order worth 50pv ($50) or more for next month, but it can be edited, changed, or canceled next month if need be and you won't be charged anything extra today.  

I build my own order every month: here are some of my favs

Cedarwood: welcome to the best sleep of your life

Progressence Plus: hormone support

Tea Tree: clear and glowing skin

Thieves Laundry Detergent: all natural, makes my clothes smell amazing 

and one bottle can be doubled from 64 loads to 128 loads!!!

Thieves Toothpaste: kills bacteria, healthy gums, and "life hack" a great substitute for a natural deodorant

Ningxia Red: if you hate taking pills (me) but still need your supplements and vitamins...get Ningxia. This is Young Living's all natural Wolfberry juice and its delish- enjoy it straight or over ice, sparkling water, or with added oils, etc!

here's a link to a FREE class we taught all about how good Ningxia Red really is:

Step FOUR:  
fill out your contact info
create user, password, and pin (be sure to write down so you don't forget) 
no need to share SSN- just select "individual with No SSN"
Step FIVE: 
 click you were referred by a YL member and fill in my member number for both the sponsor and enroller slot: 13397627

Step SIX: finish and pay!
 let me know if you have any questions + wait for the mailman to 
come a knockin'!
 so excited for you to get your kit & enter our Botanical Collective Community <3 you're in good hands. 
After you enroll, i'll send you a welcome email with lots of info, get your welcome package sent out in the mail + add you to our online community! 

DIY Floating Shelf

 DIY Floating Shelf 

This project is one of my most favorite's to date! SO stylish and so so easy anyone could pull this off! 

Here's how I created this minimal and modern floating shelf:

What You'll Need:

+ 2x4 pine wood plank (usually $6-$7)

+ pack of 2 'L' brackets ($3-$4)

+ Power drill

+ pencil

+ Level or Level Phone App (yes its a thing and very nifty)

*optional* Brass/Gold Spray Paint 

How To:

-You are going to start by attaching the 'L' brackets to the wood plank, from the bottom.
You want to hang the shelf this way so it appears to be floating versus hanging the "L" upside down where you could see it hanging below the shelf. 

-Optional: the only brackets I could find were this Silver/Zinc plated color and nothing I own is silver- so I chose to spray paint the brackets brass (before hanging) to match my brass decor accents. A little extra but I'm much happier with it this way. 

-Next it's time to hang your shelf, You'll need your power drill here...
truth be told... I used a screwdriver and screwed this by hand but if you wanna be more professional this is how the pros do it. 
a pencil and your Level will be very helpful at this step.

Simply drill your shelf into place and you're all set! 

Because we hung the brackets this way, they are easily masked once you style your shelf:

I love this DIY because it can be completely customized! If you want a deeper shelf all you need is a wider wood plank. If you want a different wood grain, snag some wood stain while you're out collecting your supplies! 

hope you found this helpful! 
be sure to tag me in your floating shelves because I would love to see how you style them! 


DIY Boheme Bed Linens


DIY Boheme Bed Linens 

We love a quick and easy flip and dyeing these sheets was just that! 
Here's how I turned old, white and stained bed linens into gorgeous, warm toned luxury:

What you'll need:

-Textile of choice 

I selected a set of queen sheets, an old blanket throw from Ikea, and two shams. Egyptian Cotton. 

-Rit Dye of choice 

(we'll chat colors in a second)


-Water/Water Basin/Washing machine 

Picking a color: 

Rit Dye has been around for AGES and they have truly mastered all things textile dyeing. Their website is full of helpful information, instruction, and yes... Color Formulas

no really, every color combination you could think of, they have a formula! Simply select the base color you're looking for and find all the different color swatches available in that color hue. 

Rit Color Formulas 

*I used "All Purpose" dye because I was dyeing Cotton/Linen*

Now I was originally wanting something more in the Terra-cotta family (more on the orange side) but I'm assuming due to the state of the world, most dye colors are out of stock! I could only find Yellows at my local Hobby Lobby, so I improvised and had to make do with what I had. 

I mixed
2 bottles of Golden Yellow 
1 bottle Tan
1/2 bottle of Cocoa Brown

and ended up with something close to their version of "Golden Chai Latte" "Honey Mustard Yellow" and "Buttered Rum"

How To Dye:

So obviously this is all in relation to what you're dyeing and the weight of the fabric but for a project this large I decided it would be best to dye straight in my washing machine! Yep, you heard me right! 

"A note about dye and washing machines: If you have never used dye in a washing machine, we get why you would be nervous! Who wants a purple washing machine? Well, maybe us. Nonetheless, we can promise you Rit won’t permanently stain any metal component on your machine. Rit has been used in washing machines for decades, dating back to the time when the electric washing machine was invented in the 1950s. We coined the phrase “Push Button Color!” in the early 60s to promote the marriage between Rit and washing machines. We even launched liquid dye just so that it would be easier to use Rit in your machine. With that much history, you can feel confident that your washing machine will stay dye free for decades to come."

+ I set my top loading washer to "Oversize Cycle" and "Hot Water"
+ I started the washer and let it fill up with water till I had enough in there so the fabric could flow freely
+ I then added my dye
+ I tested the color by dip dyeing one of the shams to see if that was about the right color I wanted (I did this a couple of times to make sure) 
+ Next I added all of my linens
+ Because I was dyeing natural fibers I added 1 cup of salt to the Dyebath
+ I gave my bath a stir and started the load- I timed it to make sure the linens had enough time to sit before the rinse cycle began (about 30 min). The longer they soak the darker the color. 
+ After the load was completed I ran another quick cycle and washed the linens with my non-toxic laundry detergent and dried as normal.

*Rit encourages users to set their fabrics with their Dye Fixative to create long lasting color but I hadn't purchased any therefor I couldn't set the color. However I have noticed no bleeding and don't mind if the color fades over time (given this was my first try at DIY dyeing). *

To clean the washing machine: 

Wipe around the inside of the lid and pour a little bleach through the internal dispenser (if there is one) as dyes can get into these areas. Then, fill washer to the highest water level there is and select the hottest water temperature setting. Add detergent with 2 cups of chlorine bleach and run a full wash cycle with 3 old towels. 



You did it! 
Be sure to comment or tag me over on Instagram if you try this out! I would love to see how creative we all get this Fall Season! 

September 15, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions

Essential oils are aromatic liquids distilled or extracted from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, fruit, and seeds. Most Young Living essential oils are extracted using steam distillation. Their food-grade stainless steel distillers are based on a state-of-the-art design that uses very low pressure and low temperature, which is critical for preserving all of the fragile therapeutic constituents of essential oils. Plants are steam distilled in small batches for extended periods using a special low-pressure, low-heat vertical steam technology. Young Living's citrus oils are cold pressed from the rinds of their designated fruit, such as bergamot, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, and lemon. No solvents or synthetic chemicals of any kind are used or added in either method.
Essential oils do not generally contain the proteins responsible for allergic reactions, which minimizes the likelihood of an allergic reaction. However, individual sensitivities do vary, and people can still experience sensitivities to essential oils. When using a new essential oil, dilution and a skin spot test is a good idea to ensure that you do not experience any sensitivity to that particular oil.
There are approximately 85 drops (1 teaspoon) in a 5-ml bottle and approximately 250 drops (1 tablespoon) in a 15-ml bottle.
Some essential oils can be used neat on the skin. All label instructions should be followed. Young Living's labels indicate when an essential oil should be diluted. If it is an essential oil that you have never used, dilution and a skin spot test is a good idea to ensure that you do not experience any sensitivity to that particular essential oil.
Young Living uses its own internal labs and third-party facilities to verify that Young Living purity and potency standards are met. Each batch of essential oil is sent through six rigorous tests and must meet established quality benchmarks to pass through successfully.
  • Mass Spectrometer—Identifies the names of each constituent (plant chemicals) in the oil.
  • Gas Chromatograph—Measures the percentage of constituents in the oil.
  • Refractive Index—Measures the density of the oil using a concentrated beam of light.
  • Specific Gravity—Measures how heavy the oil is as compared to water.
  • Flash Point—Ignites the oil and tests it against standard flash temperatures.
  • Optical Rotation—Measures the molecular structure of the oil.
Once the tests are complete, the results are compared to the vast library of information Young Living has amassed over 20 years. This library of oil data is unmatched in the industry. If the incoming oils do not meet the established profile, they are rejected and not allowed to be bottled as a Young Living product.
Young Living does not use pesticides at their farms or their partner farms. Both Young Living's farm practices and finished products are held to strict standards, and with the measures they have in place, Young Living feels confident that they offer their members the best, purest products available.
Young Living prides itself on offering the purest and most effective essential oils possible, and they are often asked if their oils are certified organic. The organic certification, while important, is far from the only standard of quality by which to judge essential oils. Young Living practices a unique Seed to Seal® quality process that goes beyond the current organic standard in many ways. At Young Living, they don’t just rely on others to verify the purity of their oils. Young Living works directly with their farms, growers, and distillers to ensure the quality, integrity, and authenticity of every product produced. Their passion and commitment is to produce 100-percent pure, unadulterated essential oils that retain all of the natural constituents and therapeutic properties nature intended. Young Living's Seed to Seal process ensures the purest therapeutic-grade essential oils through careful monitoring of every step of essential oil production—from the time a seed is sourced until the oil is sealed in the bottle. Every batch of essential oils, whether cultivated on their own farms or by one of their carefully vetted partner growers, is rigorously tested and subjected to careful review through every step of production and meets or exceeds industry safety and purity standards. Young Living’s dedication to quality ensures that they provide pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils with the complete, optimal blend of plant constituents to provide maximum potency and results. As millions of satisfied members and customers across the globe can testify, Young Living sets the standard for purity and quality in the essential oil industry. While standards and guidelines can vary and be modified, Young Living's dedication to providing the safest, most beneficial essential oils in the world will never change.
Yes, Young Living is committed to being responsible stewards of the environment and take great care to preserve and protect their planet’s natural resources. These core values are evident in their Seed to Seal® philosophy, which promotes sustainable farming and sourcing practices, while enabling them to produce the purest, most potent essential oils in the world.
Young Living has a policy against testing the efficacy or safety of its products on animals. Young Living’s products are formulated to be safe for nearly all users, and animal testing is neither required nor performed in their product development process.
The remaining material from oil distillation is used in compost.

April 25, 2020

About Essential Oils

About Essential Oils

What's The Hype?
These days our bodies are constantly being bombarded with synthetic chemicals and toxins. The average woman applies over 300 chemicals to her skin daily, 80-100 chemicals usually before breakfast!!! It has been proven that the levels of toxins in our bodies increases the risk of disease, including cancer, and promote premature ageing. How we live, our attitudes, exercise, sleep, rest, whether we fast, what (and how) we eat and drink, what drugs and medicines we take, even the technology we expose ourselves to, all determine our level of body burden and organ strain- which in turn determines our risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.
When our bodies are overloaded with chemicals built up over time, we create a problem in our bodies which we call body toxicity. It sounds frightening but it can most definitely be addressed and improved but YOU have to be the one to intervene and make the change. Essential Oils make for the perfect alternative to the products we use everyday that are loaded with chemicals, toxins, and hormone disruptors. 
Did you know the word “fragrance” on a label is pretty much a huge cover up for so many dirty chemicals? I highly highly recommend you watch the documentary on Netflix entitled "Stink" to just peel back the curtain so to speak, on the importance of low-toxic living. Some of these nasty things that make their way into our bodies can take years to be removed - our bodies have to work on overdrive to remove them which takes away our bodies full ability to absorb nutrients or focus on the things that the body is naturally suppose to be doing. Our systems go into hyperdrive and our immune system becomes bogged down. No wonder the majority of us feel tired all the time!
Don't get overwhelmed with trying to switch over all of your current products or put yourself and your entire family on a crazy detox regimen quite yet. Take this in baby steps, little by little. I like to refer to this concept as "Ditch and Switch"- ditch the old products that are wrecking havoc on your body and immune system, and switch them out with products that our non-toxic and plant based that actually build up your immune system while supporting your body in so many other ways. But don't wait-the sooner you start the sooner you will start to feel better and begin to notice improvement in your overall wellness, sleep, energy levels, gut health, skin health, hormone health, respiratory health, and so much more! 
What Are Essential Oils?
An essential oil is a highly concentrated plant component. They can be distilled from various parts of a plant, including leaves, flowers, fruits, woods and seeds. They are basically the life blood of a plant in "oil" form.
God created the earth and all of the plants and wildlife in it. He provided us with the resources to minister to our bodies and minds naturally. Plants have the ability to improve and maintain our good health and wellbeing without the use of harmful chemicals or constituents, making them safe to use on our bodies and our environment. The list of remedies essential oils provide is truly endless!
Essential oils do no disturb the body's natural balance, and can stimulate the secretion of antibodies, neurotransmitters, endorphins, hormones and enzymes. When used correctly, the molecules in the oils mimic the molecules your body uses for repair and regeneration. 
Does It Matter What Oils I Use? 
YES! Not all essential oils are created equal. The FDA has very little regulation on the production of essential oils. Anyone can label their oils as "Certified" or "100% pure therapeutic grade" etc. So do yourself a favor and avoid buying synthetic oils off of the internet or at the grocery store.
I trust Young Living's quality completely. Their Seed To Seal promise and over 25 years of experience along with the countless amounts of studies, tests, and logged information in the largest essential oil library in the world, proves to me, they go above and beyond to protect the standard and quality of their oils!
How Can I Use Essential Oils? 

Aromatically – Young Living oils can be diffused, directly inhaled, or added to hot water/steam to experience the aromatic benefits of essential oils.

Topically – many oils can be used either diluted with a carrier oil or undiluted onto the skin! Each oil has specific instructions for dilution and suitability for topical use, so be sure to check each oil’s individual label.

Internally – Some of Young Living oils can even be used as a flavouring to your favourite recipes and beverages or can be taken in vegetable capsules as supplements for specific purposes (always follow individual protocol and dilution instructions and consult your medical practitioner before ingesting Young Living essential oils).
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