September 23, 2016

Traveling Chronicles

We've been traveling since Tuesday, September 20th. It is now Friday, September 23rd. We are currently standing in our customs line trying to calculate how many hours of travel that adds up to. 36...45...38? Don't know, it's just been a long time. Our outreach team is traveling the furthest this quarter. Hawaii to South Africa ain't no hop, skip, and a jump if you know what I'm saying.

Our 12 hour layover in Frankfurt, Germany mixed with a mix of boredom and curiousity led us to a train ride and a walk through the beautiful city. 

I might be experiencing my first round of serious jet lag, but I have never felt so stoked to travel. I definitely think I've caught the vagabond bug and need to plan a trip to Europe again... 
4/5 flights down, one more left! Cape Town awaits us. Onward travelers.
 But first, coffee: 

September 22, 2016

Going Out With A Bang

My time here in Kona has been incredibly healing, challenging, stretching, and absolutely beautiful. The Lord could've directed me anywhere in the world but I'm sure glad He led me to Hawaii. Looking back I can honestly say I've never experienced this much spiritual growth in such a small amount of time. The work that Lord has done and is continuing to do in my heart excites me for the future and what's to come. I have never felt so supported by the church community, both my community back home and my new community here. The Lord has surrounded me with beautiful friends that constantly push me closer to Jesus and provoke me unto righteousness. And it doesn't hurt to have more photographer friends *wink* (photo creds: Austin Comer).  As we bid farewell to the island, a group of us decided one more island adventure seemed fitting. Not only am I packing up shirts and shorts for outreach, but quite a large stack of precious memories to bring along the journey. 

(Obviously had to end with sushi)

Peace Out Hawaii!


September 12, 2016

He Didn't Forget

I'm back. Wanna hear something crazy? I only have 5 more days left on this island! FIVE DAYS! Wanna hear something else crazy? IM FULLY FUNDED! 

Lots of you have kept up with me and this process of raising a whopping $10,000 since November (pretty much) of last year, and many of you have given and contributed so that I could be here. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Many of you have also kept up with my blog posts and have seen a consistent pattern of complaining, wrestling, and waiting, all the while still hoping, praying, and supporting me! I love having the opportunity to invite you all into this thing. My hope is that you would see clearly my highs and my lows and through that, Christ's faithfulness. This has been one of the most stretching and challenging seasons of my life but has already proven to be so good. I see Jesus in all of it. He didn't forget about me because He's a good father, and good fathers provide for their children! Can I get an AMEN?! The Lord is faithful and He never changes and I get to walk out into the world with testimonies of His goodness.

We have so much to do as we prepare to leave for outreach. I can't wait to share all of the beauty of South Africa with you.   Here we go! Onward travelers.
Stay tuned for so much more. As always, love you BIG!

September 2, 2016

SOS Tension

I wanna throw this out there. It's the end of week 8. I am at the end of the fund raising process. I've written about this whole thing before. TRUSTING GOD STINKS! Okay, maybe "stinks" isn't a good word to Stressful? Draining? Difficult? Exhausting? It sucksss. But at the same time it's freaking beautiful. I can honestly say I love this even though it's so messy. Out of His kindness, He gives me waves of peace and grace whenever I break out in cold sweats. He's still talking to me. He's still teaching me. He's still with me. And the idea that I will look back on this with a testimony of His faithfulness gives me so much hope. 
But I am still in need of $1952! OUR DEADLINE WAS YESTERDAY! September 1st. I have no idea where this money is going to come from, but I've watched it trickle in slowly. I currently have $32.10 in my account, and I need to buy soap and tooth paste so more like $20. 
(Totally just got hit with another stress wave). Okay. My point is to invite you guys into the process with me. I want to share every part of my journey with you. My heart is breaking for this nation. I'm so excited and so ready to set foot on South African soil. I can't wait to see what the Lord does and how He chooses to use me and my team. But before that can happen, I have to camp out right here in this cloud of tension. Waiting is the worst...but also the best. 
Prayerfully consider partnering with me. We want to see the love of Jesus poured out in a nation that has no idea how valuable they are the Him. 
Love offerings could be given through PayPal: 
Through my student account here on the campus:

welcome. Theme by BD.