March 1, 2018

DIY Toner

It's time for the next recipe in my series of " DIY Natural Skin Care"
The delectable Rose Tonique!

Let us begin:


1 Small Spray Bottle
1 Tbs Witch Hazel (Thayer's-alchol free)
(I chose the Rose Petal Witch Hazel today vs. the regular unscented)
5 Drops Lavender
3 Drops Manuka (not the most pleasant scent but oh so good for your skin)
a few drops of:
Vitamin E Oil
Argan Oil
Coconut Oil
Rosehip Seed Oil
Grapeseed Oil 

I chose a few drops of Argan Oil for this concoction

Other essential oil options:
Tea Tree

Add all ingredients to your spray bottle and fill the rest with water. 
Shake before using.

Why do we use toner?:

Toner is a fast-penetrating liquid that delivers a "quick hit" of hydration, helps remove dead skins cells on the surface of the skin, reduces oiliness, improves skin condition, and helps neutralize the pH of your skin, making it less susceptible the environment. 
It should be used directly after cleaning your face (at least twice a day) because most molecules penetrate the skin better when it's wet. 

How should I use toner?:

Application methods vary, 
some prefer to sprinkle directly into the palms of their hands and tap/pat into skin, others prefer to use a cotton round and gently swipe it around the face working outwards, and some will go as far as spritzing their face with toner mist throughout the day. 
I personally will apply directly onto my skin with my hands in the mornings (for that "pick me up) and swipe with cotton at night (to help remove any more dirt/makeup I might have missed)

Okay my natural beauty babes!
That's seriously all you need to create this incredibly affordable, beneficial, and sweet smelling Rose Tonique. 
It took me a total of 3 minutes to put all of my ingredients together and I spent the next 5 minutes spraying and sniffing *heart eyes*
That's all for today folks! 
I hope to see you back soon for my next DIY Skin Care Recipe!
Until then, 
Love you big!

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